Vote for Oscar every day! Click the link HERE and use code 753 or 586 if you haven’t yet!

We are filled with gratitude and hope by the incredible outpouring of love and networking that has happened in the last week! This contest is for National Mobility Month and its primary purpose is to raise awareness about disability. Well, then, we have already been successful! And we can continue to grow that success!

Updates/things to keep in mind about the van contest:

1. Obviously the website is finicky. The contest site is receiving more traffic than was anticipated- ultimately this is a good thing. Thanks for your patience while it was down for several days and then back up and then down for a few hours and back up and down for a few more hours and…well, you get the picture.

2. New promo code!!!: 586 is an additional code (posted by Agor Enterpsies) to be used to make your single vote count for five! Just to clear up any further confusion-the promo code (753, and now 586) can be used once, only, to make your vote count for 5. The code is associated with Agor Enterprises, a local dealer right here in Rochester that is helping spread word about the contest (it is by chance that we found out from them about the contest)!

3. Voting, when and from where: it appears you can only vote once in a 24 hour period, not once a day. So, for example, if you vote at 9 pm on Tuesday night, you can’t vote again until after 9 pm on Wednesday night. (At least it appears that this is how it is working). You can also only vote from each IP address once in a 24 hour period, so if you have multiple devices/computers on the same network, you can only vote once from the whole IP address (annoying, for example, that David & I can’t both vote for Oscar in the same day-but every entrant is up against the same issue).

4. Who wins and how it happens: So, after May 13, the folks running the contest will review the essays or videos of every one who is in the top 10%. Three winners will be selected from that 10%. So, what we need to do is keep Oscar in the top 10% (he is currently hovering in the top 1-2% thanks to all of YOU)! After that we hope that his cute face will win the folks over and they’ll decide to award him a van! Winners should be announced by May 21.

5. Local Press: Yes, we’re interested! Thanks to Margaret Paige, Oscar has already been featured on #the ROC Daily on Monday.

6. Fliers to hand out: Here is a van flier you can print out and share with folks to help spread the word.

7. Poetry Reading: Oscar’s mom will be giving a poetry reading in Phelps, NY (45 minutes east of Rochester) this Sunday, April 15 at 2 pm at the Phelps Art Center (15 Church Street, Phelps, New York 14532 I will primarily be reading work related to Oscar.

8. Oscar’s current status and rank: At the moment of writing this post, Oscar had nearly 6,500 votes and ranked 12 out of over 750 entries! Pretty impressive!

We are humbled by the support and the coming together to raise awareness for SMA and people with disabilities. Van or no van, this contest is a winner!
Again, a million thanks from the Merulla-Bonn family.